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My Sewing Plans for 2022 #MakeNine2022

I am SO excited for my makes this year!

With the garments made last year, I feel I have really perfected my main sewing skills, which I am so excited to unleash on my next makes!

My nine makes this year are a little different to the traditional Make Nine and I have 6 sewing patterns (one being a vintage pattern - wish me luck!) and the last three focusing on self-drafting.

I really want to up my sewing game this year!

If you want to see what I'm planning to make this year, you can watch my Make Nine for 2022 here:

I would love to hear what you guys have planned too for this year! You can join our lovely community here by entering your email address down below to receive monthly emails or by joining fellow sewists via the Member Area, where you can show the photos of your makes.

Until next time, Happy Sewing!

Lots of Love,

Shirin xo


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